A few important announcements today:
    - Mapping has started. The game will follow the following layout:
        - 5 main sectors (A,B,C,D,E)
        - Each sector will correspond to a new gameplay element (cannon, power beam, RML, mag chain, and final boss, respectively)
    - In order for effective testing of maps to work, I'm going to start mapping most of the levels in Valve®'s Source® engine. What this means is that I will be able to quickly lay out maps which I can test in the Source engine before implementing it in Electromagnetizm as a working level. This also means that I will be able to let the fans see my work as it progresses. As I complete new areas I will periodically upload Source map files which you can use in Valve's Portal™ to test the maps before the game is released.
    - The storyline is nearing completion. While I don't want to give out any spoilers, I will say that the entire game will have full voice acting, most of which will be done by myself and a few of my friends.